

TODAY: A Global Approach With Four Main Focuses.

Renault has been actively involved for more than 50 years in the research and development of technologies aimed at improving the safety of our vehicles. Renault’s approach and expertise is based on lessons learnt from real-life accident situations. With maximum five-star Euro NCAP crash-test ratings for nine vehicles, the Renault range features a long list of models that deliver leading safety.

In addition to its exceptional engineering skills, Renault uses the extensive research carried out by the Accident Analysis, Biomechanics and Human Behaviour Laboratory (LAB) to develop effective safety solutions that address real life driving situations.

Renault’s road safety program covers four main areas: prevention, correction, protection and education.

Renault is constantly developing new safety systems aimed at avoiding accidents and protecting vehicle occupants. The emphasis in development is thus placed on better prevention, better anticipation and better education, without diminishing the responsibility of the driver.

Each year, the Group invests nearly €100 million in safety research and development. Some 600 employees work directly on this topic, which involves all sectors of the business


Renault's commitment to improving road safety includes preventing accidents before they happen. One way to achieve this is to enhance driver responsibility. Motorists can be informed when they are not in a position to control their vehicle or when they put themselves in a position of potential danger. Prevention also includes assisting the driver in correctly anticipating risk situations, and developing equipment that allows the driver to remain fully concentrated on the road ahead by performing auxiliary tasks automatically.


The vehicle's handling and braking characteristics are fundamental factors that influence the driver's ability to react to difficult driving conditions or emergency situations. Thus they form the basis for active security and accident avoidance.
In extreme situations, technological intervention may be required to compensate for driver errors. Renault develops a variety of advanced support systems to assist the driver in difficult or dangerous situations without removing control from the driver's hands.


Renault’s road safety strategy extends beyond technical considerations to cover education as well. The education of road users must be a priority, as the driver will always be the defining factor in road safety. As a socially responsible company, Renault has been running education campaigns across all sectors of the population and age groups for many years.
The International Safety for All program addresses young children, adolescents and young drivers. It is the biggest road safety awareness operation ever run by a car manufacturer anywhere in the world. The program aims to help young people to become aware of the key aspects of road safety from the earliest possible age and to encourage them to adopt a responsible approach to the issue of road safety: Safety Matters online is a road safety educational site for pupils aged 7-11 years, their teachers and parents. Along with other major companies in the automotive industry and related fields, Renault is also a partner of the Global Road Safety Initiative (GRSI), which provides financial backing for road safety initiatives in emerging countries.
Renault also promotes the same message to its own employees through the ‘Renault Group Driver’s Charter’. This document is published in 16 languages and communicated to 130,000 staff in 30 countries. Further education-related initiatives include accident prevention driving tuition and an annual 'Road Safety Month' each year in June.


Child safety is an issue in itself, addressed by far-reaching specific research at Renault. A suitable protection system, adapted to a child’s shape and size, can substantially reduce the risk of injury or death in a road accident. A vehicle's child safety system comprises several devices, including Isofix child-seat anchor points. Renault was a driving force in the development and rollout of the Isofix system, which specifies the way a child seat should be attached to the vehicle to prevent fitting errors. The system first appeared in 1998 on Clio II and is now featured throughout the Renault range.


Renault is committed to protecting vehicle occupants in all situations: To begin with, the vehicle's structure protects occupants by absorbing most of the energy produced in an impact. This is achieved by a rigid cabin which functions as a survival cell, and by the use of very-very-high-elastic-limit (VVHEL) steels.
The remainder of the energy in an impact is absorbed by the retention systems in the cabin. Renault was the first manufacturer to introduce seatbelt load limiters in 1995, and controlled vent front airbags in 1997. Our rear passenger safety systems, including child safety systems, provide a very high standard of protection. And Renault's third-generation System for Restraint and Protection (SRP) remains unique on the market.