

Safety is built into the DNA of every Renault. The entire Renault range is designed to provide protection to those travelling in the vehicle. The vehicle’s structure protects occupants by absorbing much of the impact energy, while cabin-based retention systems soak up the rest of the energy.
Renault’s third-generation System for Restraint and Protection (SRP) is a safety innovation which is still unique on the market, and our range of passenger protection systems includes active anti-submarining airbags, high-performance rear impact absorbing seats and headrests, dual side impact sensors and advanced child safety systems.

System for Restraint and Protection
A complete protection system for each seat and each occupant

Active anti-submarining airbag
Collision protection which is equally effective for both 3-door and 5-door cars

Rear impact absorbing seats and headrests
Maximum protection against whiplash

Side impact protection
A world first in side-impact protection