
Driving tips

Driving Tips
As a carmaker, Renault’s duty is to provide novel solutions that help its customers reduce their fuel consumption and, at the same time, curb the production of greenhouse gases.

Motorists can play a major part in reducing the fuel consumption of their vehicle. Eco-driving encourages drivers to go easy on their vehicles, which should be serviced properly and adapted to their needs.

Eco-driving can reduce fuel consumption by up to 20%

Tip 1. Improve your gear changes
• Shift down at approximately 1,000rpm.
• Shift up to the next gear at approximately 2,000rpm in diesel vehicles and at 2,400
 rpm in a petrol engine.
• At 30mph, you should already be in fourth or fifth gear

Tip 2. Drive smoothly
• Maintain a steady speed as soon as possible (from 40kph).
• Brake with the engine and use your foot brake as little as possible. Allowing the
 vehicle to slow naturally helps to cut the fuel flow.
• At 30mph in fifth gear, lift off the accelerator 100m before a red light.

Tip 3. Think about how you accelerate
• Up to 30mph, it is preferable to accelerate briskly up to fifth gear.
• At speeds in excess of 30mph, acceleration should be restrained
• Change gear very swiftly up to fifth gear.

Tip 4. Climbs and descents
• Keep to the same speed when going down a hill.
• On an uphill gradient, let the car lose speed, but without becoming obstructing other
 road-users. If possible, maintain your vehicle at a steady speed above 40kph.
• Use descents to take your foot off the accelerator.

Tip 5. Use your motor smartly
• Turn off your engine if you stop for more than 30 seconds.
• Do not preheat your engine even in winter.
• Pull away as soon as the engine has fired up.

Tip 6. Look after your car
• Check tyre pressures every month.
• If you have to use the air conditioning, make sure the difference between the
 temperatures inside your vehicle and outside is not too great.
• Do not leave any unnecessary loads in your vehicle.
• Remove roof bars and roof boxes when not in use.
• Proper servicing and proper use of your vehicle are as important as eco-driving